Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Review: The Zimmermann Telegram

The Zimmermann Telegram The Zimmermann Telegram by Barbara W. Tuchman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

While it dates from the late '50s, this work of WW I history is still a vibrant even thrilling read. Good narration from Wanda McCaddon helps, but it is really the text. You have militant, hyperlogical Germans (proto-Nazis, it feels) seeking to foment and support a revolution separating much of the United States away to independent states of people of color by spurring Mexico and Japan... Pancho Villa! Yellow Peril! Woodrow Wilson and public opinion... Pitched and heated (if small) battles - really a Western Hemisphere story of America drawn into World War I by coded cables and unmaked spies with strategic British help over at the London embassy so it can all be "on American soil"

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