Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Review: Into the Storm: A Study in Command

Into the Storm: A Study in Command Into the Storm: A Study in Command by Tom Clancy
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Perhaps this deserves more stars for the mountain of detail and research contained herein. But, I wanted a thrilling overview of the Desert Storm tank battles, etc. and I got a textbook on military strategy employed by co-author Gen'l Fred Franks, Jr.. Of course, this is great since he was there directing the WWII-scale tank battles and enveloping pincer movements that overran the Republican Guard divisions and their support. Also, there are many point-by-point responses to how on the second day of the ground war, Norman Schwarzkopf publicly expressed frustration over what he characterized as VII Corps' slow pace, and other shortcomings Schwarzkopf declared with Franks in his memoir memoir, It Doesn't Take a Hero: The Autobiography of General H. Norman Schwarzkopf. More of my complaints are like the prevalence of military acronyms mires the reading and the text moves from Clancy to Franks speaking with, at times, insufficient warning. Finally, in this era of military vs. terrorists and asymmetric warfare, the large scale land battles envisioned and accomplished by Franks seem outdated, even quaint. The overview of his post-Desert Storm careen with

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