Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Review: War and Decision: Inside the Pentagon at the Dawn of the War on Terrorism

War and Decision: Inside the Pentagon at the Dawn of the War on Terrorism
War and Decision: Inside the Pentagon at the Dawn of the War on Terrorism by Douglas J. Feith

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Feith as a high-placed aide in Rumsfeld's Dept. of Defense had an insider's view on the birth and execution of the War on Terror. Overtly, he claims a balanced view: Bush and company made mistakes, even enormous once yet the approach was basically sound. I get it; a woodchuck destroys my garden, I wage war on all woodchucks that could possibly wreak such havoc, I don't go on a personal vendetta against a single, criminal chucker. However, Feith fails to convince that the war on Saddam was a natural step in the War on Terror following laid out foreign policy (why not the rest of the Axis of Evil, or other nation-states?) and not Bush's misguided vendetta at a time when the resources and focus should have been on Al Qaeda and The Taliban in Afghanistan.

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