Thursday, February 21, 2013

Review: The Primal Screamer

The Primal Screamer
The Primal Screamer by Nick Blinko

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A don't read fiction often, so I am grateful for having received this work as a gift, else I would not have sought it out and experienced it. The author presents diary like an alternative reality of the history of Rudimentary Peni, his own anarcho-punk/deathrock band along with primal scream therapy experiences. I don't know how real for Nick Blinko those treatments where, but as a fan of underground music, I did find myself going to Google often to see if I could suss out the truth of the slightly veiled scene elements. I had better luck with that than understanding why some words are apparently almost randomly set in bold type, even when it is not understandable for emphasis. The mildy Lovecraftian tale of descent in anti-social madness, which recalls to me [b:The Eden Express: A Memoir of Insanity|28134|The Eden Express A Memoir of Insanity|Mark Vonnegut||28720], builds well into what appears to be a violent, otherwordly breakthrough and then ... well, I just hate a denoument that winds up in a dream...

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