Sunday, September 15, 2019

Review: Modeling and Data Analysis: An Introduction with Environmental Applications

Modeling and Data Analysis: An Introduction with Environmental Applications Modeling and Data Analysis: An Introduction with Environmental Applications by John B Little
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

"...This text covers a gamut from secondary education topics, such as an introduction to the metric system and functions, to undergraduate material. The undergraduate material is generally taken a bit further than first year introductory courses. This includes logarithms to The Weber–Fechner law as well as semi-log and log-log visualizations of exponential relationships. Related topics include power laws, difference equations, and logistic models. Section-length treatment is given to classic modeling scenarios: epidemiology, predator-prey, and population growth. Matrix-modeled systems are taken up to the introduction of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. There is over one chapter of probability fundamentals, including various distributions, as well as three chapters on basic statistics including hypothesis testing. This varied material presented by using environmental topics as a clothesline to attach many fundamental topics fits together elegantly and efficiently. I have encountered many less ambitious textbooks that do not come across as well on a subset of the material presented here."

[Look for my entire review at MAA Reviews]

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