Saturday, July 13, 2019

Review: Ten Equations to Explain the Mysteries of Modern: From Information and Chaos Theory to Ghost Particles and Gravitational Waves

Ten Equations to Explain the Mysteries of Modern: From Information and Chaos Theory to Ghost Particles and Gravitational Waves Ten Equations to Explain the Mysteries of Modern: From Information and Chaos Theory to Ghost Particles and Gravitational Waves by Santhosh Mathew
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

"...There is a poetic feel to the ruminations here exemplified by Chapter 6 on entropy. Its name eschews title case as the rest: “The equation that stole eternity”. This gibes with an awe of the discovered and imagined nature of reality emerging from the semi-philosophical character of discussion here. This tone is set from the onset with Chapter 1 on The Shannon Entropy Equation leading not to data compression or other applications of information theory, but to a musing on the Holographic Universe; reality as a simulation or hologram.

This is not to suggest the author ever becomes untethered, drifting off into fringe theory. Not only well-grounded, there are some salvoes fired into the fringe. Aim is taken at The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism
by Fritjof Capra and against the “outcry of some Hindu nationalists that science is just figuring out what has already been described in the scriptures.” (I am certain this is the only work on mathematics I have read that has a few things to say on the subject of “Hindu nationalists” and their beliefs.)..."

[Look for my entire review at MAA Reviews]

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Review: Dictionary of Saints

Dictionary of Saints by Alison Jones My rating: 3 of 5 stars View all my reviews