Saturday, September 29, 2018

Review: The Zookeeper's Wife

The Zookeeper's Wife The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Running a zoo through WW II just outside of Warsaw. Well, there is all the cruelties enacted on the animal inhabitants from being shifted to Germany (unknown environment, cagemates and language) to being shot at in their cages for sport. (Very sad; the freed eagle won't leave its home and is also shot). A pig turned pet taken from young lad Rys for a Nazi stewpot... Then, the plucky husband and wife leaders immerse themselves in the underground and home army squirrelling away Jews in the pheasant house and more and joining in the final uprising between Hitler's and Stalin's invasions. This is really an in-depth history of life in the Warsaw Ghetto, the specific uprising there in reaction to Himmler's attempt to liquidate the city as a birthday gift for Hitler and the Home Army's underground operations and eventual general uprising.

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