Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Review: Sex, Money, and Murder in Daytona Beach

Sex, Money, and Murder in Daytona Beach Sex, Money, and Murder in Daytona Beach by L. Butcher
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was a fascinating read about the seedy demimonde in the alleys and outskirts of late '80s Daytona Beach. A dumb, bungling thug hires a woman of ill-repute to arrange a killing of his wife... The subtitle is "Death and Decadence Among the Florida Rich" Hardly. That is marketing. How and why Lisa Fotopoulos, a successful Florida business woman, hooked up with and married disreputable and violent Kosta Fotopoulos is the real mystery. After that, it all happens in Kosta's world of mingling with transients and petty crooks. Still engaging and rather current as notorious Daytona Beach killer Kosta Fotopoulos remains on death row. However, Deidre Hunt his fickle lover and would-be protege in a fantasy "Hunter-Killer Club" of assassins, "Won't Return To Death Row
At Trial, She Got A Life Sentence"

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