Monday, February 5, 2018

Review: Calculus: For Science and Engineering Students

Calculus: For Science and Engineering Students Calculus: For Science and Engineering Students by Sheng Gong
My rating: 0 of 5 stars

"The bulk of the material is bivariate analysis with only one chapter focused on calculus of several variables. The text takes students through a thorough discussion of the ε-δ definition of limits as well as infinite series as a basis for infinite integrals and Fourier topics. Including also introductions to partial differentials, surface integrals, Stokes’ and Green’s Theorems, and much more in less than seven hundred pages presents material that is more cursory than concise and will require significant amplification in lecture for most students..."

[Look for my entire review at MAA Reviews]

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Review: Man's Search for Ultimate Meaning

Man's Search for Ultimate Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl My rating: 0 of 5 stars The Origin of Intolera...