Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Review: Introduction to Cutting and Packing Optimization: Problems, Modeling Approaches, Solution Methods

Introduction to Cutting and Packing Optimization: Problems, Modeling Approaches, Solution Methods Introduction to Cutting and Packing Optimization: Problems, Modeling Approaches, Solution Methods by Guntram Scheithauer
My rating: 0 of 5 stars

"Here is an encompassing cutting and packing optimization overview featuring modelling approaches and algorithms by problem type. Models vary in basis: IP, LP, set-theoretic, graphical and more. Pseudocode presentation of algorithms makes for suggestions ready to implement. While exercises and solutions complete the needs as a textbook, the pseudocode and real-world basis of the models complete this as a basic field manual. Further on the practical side, there is much advice on implementing heuristics, bounding, relaxations, pruning and other simplification approaches to taming such NP-hard problems when they appear in the wild."...

[Look for my entire review at MAA Reviews]

View all my reviews

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Review: The Sea and the Jungle

The Sea and the Jungle by H.M. Tomlinson My rating: 4 of 5 stars View all my reviews