Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Review: The Wolf: How One German Raider Terrorized the Allies in the Most Epic Voyage of WWI

The Wolf: How One German Raider Terrorized the Allies in the Most Epic Voyage of WWI The Wolf: How One German Raider Terrorized the Allies in the Most Epic Voyage of WWI by Richard Guilliatt
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this detailed tale of over a year of cautious German raiding. Crew and prisoners in loath and like in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans in a little-known chapter of WWI. Some that was most interesting to me is the many layers to the disinformation onion here: government refusal to acknowledge raider over the prejudice-inciting phantasm of saboteurs and lack of transparency on naval capabilities. Also, rumours becoming facts in the retelling and crew/survivor falsehoods out of hyperbole or mendacity skewing the truth.

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