Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Review: Plain Truth, Addressed to the Inhabitants of America; Containing Remarks on a Late Pamphlet, Intitled Common Sense: Wherein Are Shewn, That the Scheme of Independence Is Ruinous, Delusive, and Impracticable; That Were the Author's Asseverations, Respectin

Plain Truth, Addressed to the Inhabitants of America; Containing Remarks on a Late Pamphlet, Intitled Common Sense: Wherein Are Shewn, That the Scheme of Independence Is Ruinous, Delusive, and Impracticable; That Were the Author's Asseverations, Respectin Plain Truth, Addressed to the Inhabitants of America; Containing Remarks on a Late Pamphlet, Intitled Common Sense: Wherein Are Shewn, That the Scheme of Independence Is Ruinous, Delusive, and Impracticable; That Were the Author's Asseverations, Respectin by Candidus Candidus
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Thanks to #RemnantTrust for making this antique pamphlet available for to read. It is a monarchist loyalist's 1776 response to Common Sense. It has bracing anti-Semitism, decrying Thomas Paine for using Jews in slavery as a metaphor since that raise was below the "savages" of North American to author James Chalmers. It is also interesting to me, in the way the bible has been shown to be for and against individual wars, for and against slavery, etc. that this author a few pages later starts quoting old testament (Jewish, really) works on Saul's God given monarchial authority as a blessedness of that form of government. Chalmers also debates Paine's high appraisal of the infant nation's natural resources (Russian has a large and rich land but is a weak nation the author points out), and American could never rival Britain's Navy and army. Also, recent and current monarchies were nicer to their populace, American colonies did well under Britain's kings, and a true republic was hopeless and no successful historical precedent.

This part of the book thought resounded with me after reading of the slugfest of America vs. Japan in WWII and how it finally ended (The Irreversible Decision 1939-1950): "Nations, like individuals, in the hour of passion attend to no mediation; but when heartily drubbed, and tired of war, are very readily reconciled, without the intervention of mediators; by whom belligerents are never reconciled util their interests or passions dictated the pacification." Well, he was right on that and we, U.S. and Britain, U.S. and Japan, are thoroughly reconciled.

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