Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Review: The Last Three Miles: Politics, Murder, and the Construction of America's First Superhighway

The Last Three Miles: Politics, Murder, and the Construction of America's First Superhighway The Last Three Miles: Politics, Murder, and the Construction of America's First Superhighway by Steven Hart
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Good, crisp narration. However, this book did not wholly win me over. I think someone from the area and a commuter over the Pulaski Skyway and Holland Tunnel would be much more interested. Also, labor politics, union organization (such as the fitful birth of the CIO),and Mayor of Jersey City Frank Hague's political machine of corruption and bossism all figure highly in here. These are very interesting sociological dimensions and recent history of the 1930s, but I was hoping for more engineering challenges.

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