Sunday, October 13, 2019

Review: Boss: Richard J. Daley of Chicago

Boss: Richard J. Daley of Chicago Boss: Richard J. Daley of Chicago by Mike Royko
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The first third of this book compiles so much detailed growth of the bossism "Machine" that I thought I would not like it at all. It really gathers steam in the identification of Chicago P.D. corruption, especially with the Summerdale scandals and building to a "police riot" (as described in the Walker Report) as the 1968 Democratic National Convention. A point is made that journalists were targeted. This is portrayed as a natural consequence of his public shoot-to-kill and -maim orders running up to the "first police riot" during the April 27, 1968 peace march to the Civic Center in Chicago.

Daley did nothing about the first police riot, although he was bombarded with complaints from victims and people who had seen it, including some from conservatives, who, while not sympathetic to the marchers, were appalled by the police attack. By doing nothing, Daley permitted the police to take of both gloves. The first had come off after theo shoot-to-kill order []

The Black Panther raid is used to imply the malicious use of police violence continued under Daly.

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