Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Review: Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention

Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention by Manning Marable
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is a very updated look at the life so many know from The Autobiography of Malcolm X. Indeed, it rather disputes or amends the material that came out in that book published after Malcolm X's death and co-authored by "liberal Republican" Alex Haley. For my part, I see this life as having an arc reaching back to Marcus Garvey and a terrorizing Klan through his parents to some parallels I see with Thomas Paine. See, Paine was a revolutionary intellectual eventually shunned by his own fellow rebels and went international while moving from championing the right of his group to demanding human rights and finding himself shunned. For Malcolm X that shunning led to a public execution with the apparent complicity of at least local police. This tragic ending feels foreshadowed by violence from the 1962 Los Angeles Police shooting of seven members of the Nation of Islam (one in the back while his hands were up) to eventual firebombing, beatings, etc. from NOI actors as Malcolm X broke away and stood up his own organization. His own success -- better than that of the NOI -- of building ties to traditional Islam and connecting to the a post-colonial Pan-African movement surely led to loathing from the envious.

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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Review: Visiting Mrs. Nabokov and Other Excursions

Visiting Mrs. Nabokov and Other Excursions Visiting Mrs. Nabokov and Other Excursions by Martin Amis
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is an easy fast read covering sports from poker to darts and many pieces on various writers. It is these writer pieces that I felt the most interesting. They range from Saul Bellow (about More Die of Heartbreak), Madonna (Sex), Asimov, Salman Rushdie, the tile piece, etc,

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Saturday, October 26, 2019

Review: The Origins of the Second World War with a Reply to the Critics

The Origins of the Second World War with a Reply to the Critics The Origins of the Second World War with a Reply to the Critics by A.J.P. Taylor
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

It seems this book is in three acts:

I: Origins of WW II hardly matter really since ultimately all it did was confirm the Treaty of Versailles since little changes to borders and sovereignty actually happened due to WW II

II: Instead of origins, we really are talking about a chronological order of foreign policy preludes in granular detail making up the bulk of the book. (Basically, Hitler was a whining paper tiger unable to back up threats while accepting all offers of conciliation)

III: A rebuttal to critics. Apparently Nazi apologists found grist here? Well, Taylor dismantles that while going on a lengthy dismantling of the Hossbach Memorandum.

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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Review: The Broken Road: George Wallace and a Daughter’s Journey to Reconciliation

The Broken Road: George Wallace and a Daughter’s Journey to Reconciliation The Broken Road: George Wallace and a Daughter’s Journey to Reconciliation by Peggy Wallace Kennedy
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

[I received a DIGITAL Advance Reader Copy of this book from #NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.]

This memoir by George Wallace's daughter covers an arc from an unaware child to an adult woman coming to grip a segregationist family legacy remembered shaped by these six words: "Segregation now! Segregation tomorrow! Segregation forever!" and other lines attributed to Wallace (some worse) recalled here. The picture I get is over that man's long life his views evolved while his views appeared actually irrelevant. I had the feeling he would have ascribed any viewpoint from segregationist to integrationist if it would have got him to be governor. This author's life is overtly tied to the right wing wise in American politics from a witness to a similar upswell a half century ago. She is a lucid and valuable primary source on the American political mind.

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Review: Biohazard: The Chilling True Story of the Largest Covert Biological Weapons Program in the World--Told from the Inside by the Man Who Ran It

Biohazard: The Chilling True Story of the Largest Covert Biological Weapons Program in the World--Told from the Inside by the Man Who Ran It Biohazard: The Chilling True Story of the Largest Covert Biological Weapons Program in the World--Told from the Inside by the Man Who Ran It by Ken Alibek
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A bit dated, this insider story from a defector high up in the Soviet biological weapons program details his career and Soviet advances with anthrax, plague, glanders, etc. Most dramatic moments come around a lethal hot zone infection and an Aral sea island where chained monkeys proved unfortunate test subjects. Most interestingly to me was the insider's view of the 1991 Soviet coup d'état attempt and the disruption of the Soviet state that followed, ultimately leading to the Kazakh's informal emigration to the U.S.

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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Review: Elementary Mathematical Models: An Accessible Development Without Calculus

Elementary Mathematical Models: An Accessible Development Without Calculus Elementary Mathematical Models: An Accessible Development Without Calculus by Dan Kalman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

...Presuming only a background of exposure to high school algebra, the text introduces students to a cogent methodology of mathematical modeling building up from raw, sequential data and employing difference and ratio equations. Sequences lead off in an effective and engaging manner. The reader is drawn easily into a working knowledge ramping up through number patterns in visual and instructive puzzles. Real-world examples abound with multiple contemporary environmental and life science topics: sea ice extent, atmospheric carbon dioxide, infectious disease spread, repeated medication doses, and more. These emphasize the power and utility of quantitative methods which is the aim here, rather than a rigorous, technical mastery. Encompassing a wide spectrum of quantitative models and touching on chaos theory, this is a broad and coherent introduction to basic, predictive data modelling....

[Look for my entire review at MAA Reviews]

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Sunday, October 13, 2019

Review: Hi Bob!

Hi Bob! Hi Bob! by Bob Newhart
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a really enjoyable review of the history of comedy and America with Newhart interviewing several comedias. This includes Will Ferrell, Jimmy Kimmel, Conan O'Brien, Sarah Silverman, and several others. It is all edited topically so the serial interviews sound like group conversations. The only issue I had was the programming order. I heard once a good comedy program is B, C, then A, material. (If I remember this right.) That is, open strong, put the risky, experiments in the middle the finish with the best most memorable bits. Well, this is ABC then. Also, the final and extensive two pieces ( one, with Conan suggesting ripping off children's' charities and then one with Ferrell mocking a sorry stalker) are longer than any others and so unlike Newhart material as to end the thing on a wrong note.

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Review: Boss: Richard J. Daley of Chicago

Boss: Richard J. Daley of Chicago Boss: Richard J. Daley of Chicago by Mike Royko
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The first third of this book compiles so much detailed growth of the bossism "Machine" that I thought I would not like it at all. It really gathers steam in the identification of Chicago P.D. corruption, especially with the Summerdale scandals and building to a "police riot" (as described in the Walker Report) as the 1968 Democratic National Convention. A point is made that journalists were targeted. This is portrayed as a natural consequence of his public shoot-to-kill and -maim orders running up to the "first police riot" during the April 27, 1968 peace march to the Civic Center in Chicago.

Daley did nothing about the first police riot, although he was bombarded with complaints from victims and people who had seen it, including some from conservatives, who, while not sympathetic to the marchers, were appalled by the police attack. By doing nothing, Daley permitted the police to take of both gloves. The first had come off after theo shoot-to-kill order []

The Black Panther raid is used to imply the malicious use of police violence continued under Daly.

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Friday, October 11, 2019

Review: At the Center of the Storm

At the Center of the Storm At the Center of the Storm by George Tenet
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I acquired this during a period of time I was interested in Bush-era foreign policy. Disgust enabled disinterest, then I decided to read this anyway from that place. I find Tenet forthcoming, reflective, humble, and circumspect in describing a tenure over an area of foreign policy that has public failures and necessarily private successes. I am surprised he expresses such continued admiration of both "dubya" and Cheney even when he has to admit the possibility he was offered up as a scapegoat by Bush.

Among the public failures, there is an analysis of the 1999 Bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade and how the explicit unwillingness of the Dept. of Defense to should any of the blame caused it all to fall onto the CIA. This foreshadows the "Sixteen Words" controversy in 2003 State of the Union where similarly the CIA was out on a limb due to a lack of admission from inside the White House.

Tenet disparages Israel for single-issue negotiating while he himself refused to budge on releasing Jonathan Pollard who spied for and providing top-secret classified information to Israel. The issue of his imprisonment has sometimes arisen with Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu has been particularly vocal in lobbying for Pollard's release, visiting Pollard in prison in 2002. He raised the issue with President Clinton during the Wye River peace talks in October 1998. In My Life, Clinton wrote that he was inclined to release Pollard, but the objections of U.S. intelligence officials were too strong:

For all the sympathy Pollard generated in Israel, he was a hard case to push in America; he had sold our country's secrets for money, not conviction, and for years had not shown any remorse. When I talked to Sandy Berger and George Tenet, they were adamantly opposed to letting Pollard go, as was Madeleine Albright.

Seems to me if it could really have materially advanced the cause of peace in the Middle East, it would be worth it.

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Review: Codex Gigas

Codex Gigas Codex Gigas by Dom Lawson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Publisher BMG and author Lawson did a bang-up job here with a core of interviews with Mantas, Cronos and Abaddon reflecting back, disagreeing, and marveling on their work as a band that formed a genre (black metal). There is plenty of pics and a nice tribute afterword from Voïvod's Michel Langevin.

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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Review: Managing in Turbulent Times

Managing in Turbulent Times by Peter F. Drucker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Drucker's career as a business thinker took off in 1942, when his initial writings on politics and society won him access to the internal workings of General Motors (GM), one of the largest companies in the world at that time. The resulting book, Concept of the Corporation, popularized GM's multidivisional structure and led to numerous articles, consulting engagements, and additional books. While GM, however, was hardly thrilled, I became enamored of Drucker’s scholarship as a GM employee in the late 90s. This is one of the books that has lingered unread in my collection since leaving GM. I decided to dive in and see if I was still impressed by his cognition. In the first, I would say quarter or so, I thought the work was filled with meaningless platitudes that I could see little value in and felt this was headed to a 2-star review and my final Drucker reading.

The after fifty pages or so, my interest was piqued my his foresight of the internet and information age:

A major impact is going to be in communications. Until now, electronic communication has largely adapted itself to the traditional definition of voice, vision, and graphics as distinct separate kinds of communication. From now on, electronics will increasingly produce total communications. By the middle of 1980 the Business Communications Satellite (a joint venture of IBM, Xerox, and the American satellite company Comsat) should be in operation in the United States. It will make possible simultaneous and instantaneous electronic transmission of voice, of vision, and of graphics (such as documents or charts). This will enable people in twenty-five places anywhere on the face of the globe to be in one visual place where they can talk to each other directly, see each other, and if need be share the same reports, the same documents, the same graphs simultaneously, without leaving their own office or home. The equivalent communications capacity is available in a number of different systems—for instance, in the new telephone exchanges that are being pioneered by the British Post Office and by competitors to the Bell Telephone System in the United States.

As a result, business travel on the airlines has probably passed its peak. Such travel was one of the growth industries of the post-World War II period. It should increasingly become less important, although its place may well be taken (and taken with a vengeance) by travel for vacation, learning, and sheer curiosity, defined as non-business travel. But business travel should become less and less necessary. It will be possible for executives to get together without moving that heavy, inert object, the human body, and inflicting upon it stupefying hours of vibration in stale air. Increasingly, we will be able to meet "in person" without having to move the person.

An equal or more important change will be the ability to substitute electronic transmission of graphics for the shipping of heavy paper. Marshall McLuhan made the headlines in the sixties by predicting that the electronic "message" would replace the old traditional "medium," the printed word, the graphic information. This has not happened and it will not happen. On the contrary, electronics are becoming the main channel for the transmission of graphic, printed information. Until today, we had to put a few grains of ink on half a pound of heavy cellulose through a printing process, and then to transport the inert mass of cellulose over long distances, to be finally hand-carried to the individual audience, slowly and at great cost. But today almost everyone has two printing plants in his home, the telephone and the television set…

Of course, he foresaw the turbulence due to come:

The examples given above are not a listing but a sample. What is clear is that the tremendous amount of new knowledge produced in the last thirty years since the end of World War II is now beginning to have an impact on technology. Knowledge is becoming performance, and this means rapid change. The technological change is only a part of the story; social change and social innovation should be equally important. It is highly possible that we can anticipate a period of rapid change in a great number of areas, regardless of the attitude of the public toward technological change. Resistance to change may make it more expensive but is unlikely to slow it down. Resistance to change may mean that economic leadership tomorrow passes from old to new countries, and from old to new industries. In the late nineteenth century Great Britain lost her leadership, which passed to Germany and the United States. And in the period after World War II the Japanese, precisely because they were in many ways technologically backward, could gain leadership in an area that traditional Western industry had largely neglected— high-technology consumer goods. Such shifts may happen again, are indeed likely to happen again. But this does not alter the fact that technology is changing rapidly and that innovation, both technological and social, is speeding up and is likely to change the structure of economy and society.
And the blogosphere would not have surprised Drucker:

In publishing, one trend is clearly toward very large systems: a national or worldwide system for the electronic communication of graphics would be very big indeed. At the same time, the conversion of every telephone or television set into a printing plant offers unlimited opportunity for a truly small publication, such as the specialized magazine for the beekeeper that cannot count on more than 10,000 subscribers in the United States, and maybe not more than 25,000 worldwide. If transmitted over the television set, such a magazine might well become economically viable.
This may be pointing out the obvious or maybe “too soon”, but Drucker does it so well. But is he an overly optimistic Cassandra:
There is only one country left where a migration will still continue: the United States. America can expect large-scale migration from Mexico, a very poor country with one of the largest labor surpluses and one of the highest unemployment rates, yet located next to the richest country and one of its richest areas, the Southwest, with a very low supply of indigenous young people for traditional jobs.

There is no way to prevent mass migration from Mexico over an open 2,000-mile border into the United States, both into the Southwest from San Diego to Denver and into the metropolitan areas of the East and Midwest—New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago—with their already large Hispanic populations. Indeed, the Reconquista of southern California by Mexican immigrants has already begun. By the year 2000, Hispanic-Americans should account for some 50 million of an American population of 250 million; they are about 15 million now. Whether they are officially "legal," "illegal," or "quasi-legal" is immaterial. In any event, the Southwest of the United States may be the only region in the developed world to show a sizable growth in traditional manufacturing industry over the next twenty or twenty-five years.

Socially and culturally, a mass migration of Mexicans to the United States will exacerbate racial and ethnic tensions. With a near-majority in America becoming Roman Catholics in a country of the "Protestant ethos," religion might become a political issue again. There might even be a "black backlash" as the "Chicanos" from Mexico threaten to displace the American black as the officially "disadvantaged" and thus officially privileged "minority." But these are exactly the problems the United States is used to and has handled—or mishandled—throughout all her history. Economically, the mass migration from Mexico, whatever the labor unions might say, should be beneficial and should in fact endow American manufacturing with competitive strength such as it has not known for quite some time.
The modern concept of globalism arose in the post-war debates of the 1940s in the United States. Drucker often refers to that era as the germination of much contemporary economics and sociological trends. I think he expresses a perceptive and advanced understanding of globalist worldview and deservedly employs different adjectives to talk about “integrated trade” and “transnational.”

We are about to enter the stage of integrated trade, for this is what production sharing means. Yet economists, theoreticians, and policymakers are totally unprepared for the challenge. In fact, the lack of concepts and of measurements is a serious problem. Our concepts cannot as yet handle production sharing.

A government statistician will record the export of hides from America as "exports" and the import of shoes as "imports"; his figures will nowhere relate the two. The American cattle grower does not even know that his livelihood depends on the sale of foreign-made shoes in the American market, for hides represent the margin between breaking even and making a profit for the livestock grower in Nebraska. Nor, conversely, does the Haitian manufacturer of the soles for these American shoes realize that he depends on hides grown in the United States. No one yet perceives the relationships. And when shoe workers' unions in the United States or shoe manufacturers in North Carolina agitate for a ban on the importation of "cheap foreign imports," no cattle grower in the Great Plains realizes that they are actually agitating to ban the export of American hides on which his livelihood depends. When the American tanning industry—as it does— asks for a ban on sending hides abroad, American shoe retailers (let alone American consumers) do not realize that this would mean having no shoes to sell in American shops. They do not know that there are not enough American workers available to do even a fraction of the tanning needed.

I wonder if that shoe manufacturing analysis still holds? This resonated with me since the US government announced last week a 25% tariff on all single malt scotch whisky imports as part of a wider set of tariffs aiming to punish the European Union. Well, I know making Scotch requires the oak barrels from manufacturers of American bourbon. Especially in this day of so many small business craft spirits, what of artisan distillers whose margins require selling of their barrels to scotch makers selling to the American market?

This book contains history lessons the development of the nation concept and how the current changes may be redefining that in a thought-provoking section “The End of Sovereignty”.

The modern national state was built on the theorem that political territory and economic territory must be congruent, with the unity of the two forged by governmental control of money—a startling heresy when it was first propounded in the sixteenth century. The code word for this new politico economic unit was the term "sovereignty/' Prior to the late sixteenth century, economic and political systems were quite separate. Money was basically beyond political control except insofar as the Prince made a substantial profit by reserving to himself the right to mint coins. Commerce before the seventeenth century was either transnational or purely local. In the Europe of 1500, before the long inflation of the sixteenth century destroyed the economic system of the time, long distance trade was carried out by trading cities, the sixteenth century equivalent of the multinational corporation of today, and equally controversial, equally criticized, equally reviled. The domestic economy was organized around a market town, which was the center of a self-sufficient agrarian economy in which money, while used to calculate, was only in very limited circulation. And long-distance trade and local market town economy were almost completely insulated from each other, the former with free-market prices, the latter with rigid price controls.

The modern national state was born with the assertion that money and credit have to be controlled by the sovereign and that the economy has to be integrated into the political system, if only to provide the Prince with the means to recruit and pay his mercenaries. The modern national state created national markets within which both long-distance commerce and local trade were unified. "Sovereignty" reached its logical climax in Keynes's theories of the late twenties and early thirties which, in effect, proclaimed that a country—or at least a major country such as the Great Britain of his day—could manage its economy irrespective of the world economy, and largely independent of economic fluctuations and business cycles, by managing and manipulating money and credit.

This leads to descriptions new to me of the Eurodollar and wonder how Drucker would opine on cryptocurrency.

In another intriguing section “The Employee Society”, Drucker suggests a employee-driven socialistic First World that is a point of view I have never considered. It rings as true as it is contrarian when I read it.
In the social sphere, management in the developed countries faces its greatest opportunity and its greatest danger in the next few years. Society in the developed countries has become an employee society. This offers management the opportunity to establish its legitimacy on a new, strong, and permanent basis. It also threatens management with the loss of both legitimacy and autonomy. The labor union is threatened with loss of function, but the power vacuum left by management gives it one last chance of perpetuating its power even though it no longer can serve its original social purpose. In every developed country, employees through their wages and salaries receive most—almost all—of the national product.

In every developed country, between 85 and 90 percent of the economy's product is being paid out in the form of wages and salaries. And most of the rest is in effect also salary; the compensation of the self-employed, whether professionals (such as physicians) or shopkeepers, is not "profit" and surely not "return on capital," but compensation for labor service rendered. Even the bulk of the reported "earnings" of American business are actually also employee income, that is, deferred wages. They are primarily used to build up employee retirement funds or are being paid to such funds as dividends on the securities they hold; together, these two items account for something like two-thirds of the post-tax earnings of American business. There is very little actually left to cover the costs of capital and to form capital for the future.
This leads Drucker to consider a difficult path forward for classic labor unions.
The emergence of the employee society also creates a new
center of turbulence in the labor union. Its very survival is
endangered by the fact that our society is an employee society,
in which businesses exist primarily for the employees' benefit,
and in which the employees are the only "capitalists," the only
true "owners." Once 85 percent of national income goes to
employees, the labor union has lost its original rationale: that of
increasing the share of the national income that goes to the
"wage fund." All one labor union can do is increase the share
of its members at the expense of other employees. The unions
thus become representatives of a special interest that holds up
the rest of society through the threat of power, rather than the
representatives of a "class," let alone the representatives of an
"oppressed majority."
Federalist No. 10 is an essay written by James Madison as the tenth of The Federalist Papers. No. 10 shows an explicit rejection by the Founding Fathers of the principles of direct democracy and factionalism. In that spirit Drucker attacks the narrowly focused, fanatic activists in “The Power of the Small Minority”.

Such a process is doubly important in a pluralist society in which small, single-minded, often paranoid groups have attained a power out of all proportion to their actual size. The theory of the modern state presumed that there would be a "majority" and a "minority/* and that out of their interplay a national "general will" would emerge. It assumed further that both, majority and minority, would be concerned with the entire spectrum of social and political decisions. Everything else was considered to be "faction," evil and nefarious. The modern political party arose as a means of integrating "factions" into the general good and the general will, and of converting "factions" into "programs." Since Edmund Burke in England first opposed the integrating power of party to the factional extremism of the French Revolution, the concept of the integrating party has been central to modern political theory and modern political practice. The change back from integrating party to confrontational faction began in the early years of this century. One agent of the change was the labor union…

Any individual or group that believes in one supreme value, other than a revealed supernatural truth, is by definition paranoid. The rest of us are sane precisely because we know that the world is complex and that there is no one ultimate value…

 The small group with its single-minded dedication to one absolute can be called "paranoid" also in a different meaning of the term. It refuses to admit that it could possibly be wrong or could possibly use the wrong means to its end. If the results are not what it expected, that is only additional proof of the powers of evil. It is never taken as an indication that the group might have been wrong, let alone that its efforts were misdirected. No American prohibitionist could ever admit, for instance, that all the Prohibition Amendment did was make drinking fashionable, despite the overwhelming evidence to that effect.

What this oracle saw developing was a pervasive politicization of the business landscape. It really feels like today from Facebook rants to Mattel’s first gender-neutral doll, that his has come to pass.

The demands of the new political environment may sound like "big company stuff." But the politicization of all institutions makes demands for leadership and activism on the management of all businesses, including the medium-sized and even the small ones. In fact, medium-sized and small businesses often have to devote more time to issues that are not directly concerned with economic performance, and often have to give more, and more effective, leadership. Where the big company, whose chief executive may sit at the Business Round Table, deals with national and international issues, the medium-sized or small company may find itself dealing with local or state matters. It might have to work indirectly through a trade association or an industry association rather than directly with the top people in government. But the demands on time, policy, and character remain the same. Equally, the managers of non-profit public service institutions face the same demands and have to take on similar tasks.

Whether a business is very large or quite small, it operates and lives in a society in which the main needs of the community are being discharged through institutions that were originally designed for single-purpose performance only. No matter whether the business—or hospital or university—is large or small, management will have to accept that society looks to its institutions to attain ends unrelated to the institutions' own purposes, such as preferential employment for "minorities" on the university faculty regardless of scholarship and teaching ability. Managers will have to learn Managing in Turbulent Environments 221 to operate in a political environment, in which the dynamics have shifted to small, single-minded confrontational minorities that can veto, and away from majorities that represent a consensus and can act…
Well, now I see five stars.

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Sunday, October 6, 2019

Review: Oscar Wildes most famous novel The Picture of Dorian Gray

Oscar Wildes most famous novel The Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wildes most famous novel The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I finally got around to reading this and liked it much more than I expected. It is much more than a morphing painting. The descent into self-destructive mania experienced by the title character recalls the best Edgar Allan Poe and even more modern. The festishistic adoration of youth recalls to me Death in Venice. Some period thing? Now I want to see some film adaptations...

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Saturday, October 5, 2019

Review: Man's Rise to Civilization: The Cultural Ascent of the Indians of North America

Man's Rise to Civilization: The Cultural Ascent of the Indians of North America Man's Rise to Civilization: The Cultural Ascent of the Indians of North America by Peter Farb
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ostensible a popular work of anthropology covering the arc of cultural development among North America's aboriginal peoples, I found this a deeper, more enlightening, and even more ambition work. Generally, the historical analysis of the varied peoples from Inuit to Aztec suggests the diverse and varied peoples of N.A. survived through a combination of moieties and exogamy in band/tribal scenarios that fostered strength through cooperation and diversity.

Some interesting things were compelling indictments of the scholarship of Patterns of Culture, further eroding my believe in the simplistic Apollonian-Dionysian model.

I found the analysis of Cortes vs. the Aztecs also interesting - the hated and cruel Aztec empire tottering under intrigue, fear, and loathsome human sacrifice collapsed under the weight of smallpox and a lack of central authority.

Generally the history of the decline of this most genetically homogenous of races (undercutting many racial purity arguments) into phases such as nativism and religious fanaticism to too-late violence resulting in accomodation and evaporation can be painful and important lessons from the human experience.

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Review: Man's Search for Ultimate Meaning

Man's Search for Ultimate Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl My rating: 0 of 5 stars The Origin of Intolera...