Thursday, May 9, 2019

Review: Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World

Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World by Ron Larson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I see this textbook has gotten some bad reviews, but I find it a very good, pre-calculus algebraic stats text. It goes from basic probability and regression (which I feel should be among the first chapters) on up to chi distribution. My main complaints are these:

1. Choose one technology! This is spread thin over Excel, TI-84 graphing calculator and MiniTab

2. coefficient of determination is not mentioned here while being more prevalent that Pearson's correlation coefficient -- even among the chosen technologies.

3. So much today revolves around the p-value, the level of marginal significance within a statistical hypothesis test, It fades from this text after initial introduction and its contemporary reassessment is not explored.

4. The author calls a telephone survey as an unbiased sampling, which is hardly ever true!

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