Saturday, May 18, 2019

Review: The Discrete Math Workbook: A Companion Manual for Practical Study

The Discrete Math Workbook: A Companion Manual for Practical Study The Discrete Math Workbook: A Companion Manual for Practical Study by Sergei Kurgalin
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

"...The most detailed and developed material resides in the final chapters on sorting and parallel processing. These chapters cover areas in the theory of computer science through analysis of algorithms presented in pseudocode.

The authors are from Voronezh State University, one of the main universities in Central Russia. Many passages read like improvable translations, such as:

In the case E is the equivalence relation on A, then various equivalence classes form a partition on A…. Partial order on the set A is a reflective, antisymmetric, or transitive relation of P.

Exactly which various classes? So, the partial order is not defined as narrowly as reflexive, anti-symmetric and transitive relation?

[Look for my entire review at MAA Reviews]

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