Monday, April 15, 2013

Review: Houdini

Houdini by Milbourne Christopher

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have an immense respect for Houdini; the closest thing we have had to a superman. His acumen, astounding physical ability, showmanship, and relentless crusade against superstitions of his time (profiterring spirituralist mediums) all add to that. Consequently, I seem to gravitate to a Houdini biography every few years. This well researched one was a real joy. Things that jumped out to me in this take on Houdini's life: the successful (and longer) career of his brother Theo, the unfortunate fact that his ill and confused widow was tricked into temporarily validating a message "from the other side", Houdini's financially disastrous motion picture career (I'd like to see some films!), his role as pioneer aviator in Europe and Australia, and his turning on his formerly admired namesake Houdin.

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