Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Review: Son of Harpo Speaks!: A Family Portrait

Son of Harpo Speaks!: A Family Portrait
Son of Harpo Speaks!: A Family Portrait by Bill Marx

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I am not sure if this audiobook is the same content as the printed book, but it is the potential differences that are the charm of this edition: music interludes, a cast of voices, etc. So, this is more an audio production than a straight reading of a book's content.

Don't execpt any diry on the Marx borthers, although Bill does divulge some of Groucho's penis problems and Harpo's casual nudity. Rather, this is an open and easy-going recollection of talented musician adopted into the Harpo Marx family and soon at an early age prop assistance and msuic arranger to his "Dad".

As such, this life story goes beyond Harpo's life (although Harpo audio-communes with Bill from a reverberated beyond-the-grave) presenting Bill's recollections of being in the wings as Harpo performed for film, TV, and stage onto Bill's own music career, such as touring the U.S. and Canada with Carol McLaughlin resurrecting Harpo's music.

There are also anectdotes about having Jack Benny for a neighbor, dealing with Marx family legal issues (recast as a complex plot for a Marx Brothers film treatment), how Zeppo was apt to swing a fist, and more.

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