Thursday, May 18, 2017

Review: Promises to Keep

Promises to Keep Promises to Keep by Agnes W. Dooley
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A mother's review of her altruistic doctor son's career and good works. Much of this is told in an epistolary fashion in letters from Dooley's humanitarian work along the border between North and South Vietnam in the wake of the French withdrawal following the First Indochina War and later from Laos at the dawn of the Laotian Civil War. Mrs. Dooley and brother Malcom serve as narrators and add their Stateside remembrances. There is details of genocidal crimes committed by North Vietnamese communists as well as by Chinese Communists in Tibet. I am always moved and awed by the lives of gifted doctors from the First World that forego a financially rewarding and safe life to go where the need is greatest.

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