Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Review: The Geometry of Remarkable Elements: Points, Lines and Circles

The Geometry of Remarkable Elements: Points, Lines and Circles The Geometry of Remarkable Elements: Points, Lines and Circles by Constantin Mihalescu
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

...Skipping past Euclid, Pythagoras, Thales, and other well-known geometers of antiquity, this impressive collection launches into the Euler’s nine-point circle whose circumference features a nonet of concyclic points defined from the triangle. This is explored for over one hundred pages yielding a bounty of features and attributes: homothety, the pedal triangle, Mathot’s point, and much more. Fortunately, this detailed taxonomy of the concurrent, cyclic, and collinear is exemplified in a profusion of illustrations. The book is dense with graphics artfully done: black-lined main figures with emanating and encircling additions rendered in pastel green, red, and light purple. Each is ready to be enlarged and displayed in a corporate lobby; a destiny I particularly recommend for Figure 56 tracing “…the isotomic (reciprocal) transversals of the tangents of the nine-point circle…”...

[Look for my complete review in MAA Reviews.]

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