Saturday, December 27, 2014

Review: Mathematics for Physicists and Engineers: Fundamentals and Interactive Study Guide

Mathematics for Physicists and Engineers: Fundamentals and Interactive Study Guide
Mathematics for Physicists and Engineers: Fundamentals and Interactive Study Guide by Klaus Weltner

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

[Look for my full review at MAA Reviews]

...What makes this work stand out for me among fundamentals texts is the pedagogical motive. It is plain that the authors are drawing on lecture experience for a student-friendly presentation. The material additions, especially the “screen version” of the Adobe PDF additions, brings this much closer to being an excellent study guide for the undergraduate. I say “study guide” because it would really take about a thousand pages of material, probably spread over three or four volumes, to be suitable to the ambitious scope. I feel the authors will truly succeed by refining their scope and not in adding any more material. While they still lack calculus of variations, complex variables (especially in the context of electrical engineering), adequate coverage of PDEs, any student not guided by frequent lecture contact or tutor support will soon be at sea with the thinness of each topic. Since any semester-long course will only cover only a portion of the gamut here, focus in content will improve this work while in its present form purchasers should consider it a helpful and even compact reference as well as adjunct text for the bulk of their undergraduate academic courses.

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