My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Host David Greene: But can I can I ask, is this race in a different way? Sara? I'm really stuck on this Medicaid question Like it. Is there a is there a chance that one thing we're seeing in Mississippi is that maybe conservative voters in a in a poor state are sick of hearing their candidates just trash Medicaid without giving a clear explanation, Like, are there some Republican voters in a state like Mississippi who actually would benefit from having their hospitals improved with an expansion of Medicaid? And if they just get uncomfortable hearing their governor who they they like his politics. But it's like I also want my kids to be taken care of. And and if you're not telling me truly what's wrong with Medicaid, then then I'm not just going to hand you my vote. I'm going to actually think about this.
Sarah Isgur: We have not seen a whole lot of races center around policy of late.
while media generally doubled down on RussiaGate despite errors in Steel Dossier
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