Thursday, March 24, 2016

Review: College Algebra: An Early Functions Approach

College Algebra: An Early Functions Approach College Algebra: An Early Functions Approach by Robert Blitzer
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

There are things I like and don't like about this text. I like the preliminaries/review section and the material on LP and linear system inequalities. I am unhappy with the thin coverage of root function inequalities (such a good area to discuss range and domain) and using the TI calculators to do linear regression (great real world applicability.) I also like the material on exponential models which builds mathematical sophistication in modeling and interpreting common models.

I appreciate the more detailed coverage than I find typical of linear systems, LP optimization and Gauss - Jordan.

Binomial Theorem before Counting Theory seems crazy to me, like it's section 8.1 which bombards the reader with summation and sequence notation including recursion before they are introduced to the basics of arithmetic sequences (8.2). This is on par for books in the field when to me geometric series should be before or immediately after exponential functions, etc.

Where are the related rate/work rate problems? That's like a crucially missing section, IMO. I am on the fence about the exclusion of parametric equations. I may have a nostalgic yearning for them in excess of their true value.

Overall, that odd exceptions to content tilt this toward a mediocre offering for this level, this era. While the content is complete enough, there are a couple of key areas where the order of delivery makes it unnecessarily incongruent, IMO. For instance, teaching nonlinear systems with inequalities that have graphical representations as ellipses or hyperbolae prior to even introducing conic sections. Also, recursive and complex series and their summations are taught before the natural precedents of arithmetic and geometric series.

View all my reviews

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Review: Dictionary of Saints

Dictionary of Saints by Alison Jones My rating: 3 of 5 stars View all my reviews