Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Review: Entanglement: The Greatest Mystery in Physics

Entanglement: The Greatest Mystery in Physics Entanglement: The Greatest Mystery in Physics by Amir D. Aczel
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a quick, easy read with an enlightening high-level overview of the mysteries and advances in understanding quantum entanglement. This works very well as a an audio book, despites some tables and formulae. On the science side, I do not recall knowing that the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle could be demonstrated not only in sub-nucleon particles like the photon, but even in neutrons and atoms themselves. Making this book interesting is the colorful scientists like Bohr, Heisenberg, Feynman, Dirac, etc. Einstein gets a lot of space and it is interesting to think in the WWI era he outmoded classical, Newtonian physics only to see

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