Friday, January 11, 2013

Review: Calculus Alive and Applied for Business, Economics, and Life

Calculus Alive and Applied for Business, Economics, and Life
Calculus Alive and Applied for Business, Economics, and Life by Sherman Chottiner

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This textbook is one third pre-calculus (algebra, analytical geometry) and the rest introductory calculus presented in just over four hundred pages of content. The presentation is often overtly jocular. This style could be friendly and even entertaining to some: “Are you having so much trouble with derivatives that you are thinking about jumping from the nearest tall building? Well, stop, because you’ll only come under the influence of other derivatives…” Ignoring the jokes, the book, complete with exercises and examples, is a suitable textbook for a first semester of calculus especially at the high school level. The text integrates with and through suggested content-relevant tasks.

[Look for my full review on MAA Reviews]

View all my reviews

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